Friday, 6 December 2019

Christmas is coming!

This has been a very exciting week in Year Five.  In maths, we used Number Link boards to help us apply our knowledge of the 1-12 times tables to harder times tables (like the 0.04 times table, or the 7000 time table).

On Wednesday, we had a great time hunting for our Pokémon non-chronological reports in the playground.  All our work can be read on our class blogs:
Level 5 Certificate


Some people even managed to get to be a Level Five Pokémon trainer because they found every single one.

The Boat Race tutorial
We have been working hard to finish our Scratch games, taking some time to try out the Boat Race Tutorial on the Code Club website to help us with our coding.  We also explored what life would be like as a mountain climber by creating our own short play or mime about a famous expedition.

On Friday, it was Christmas Decoration Day!  It was really good fun talking and writing about Christmas adverts, solving maths puzzles about Santa's stocking and making a range of decorations for the classroom.  The best bit was getting to wear our Christmas jumpers and listen to Christmas songs while we worked.