Wednesday 4 September 2019

Autumn Home Learning Information for Year Five

This coming year, the home learning expectations are as follows:

Each week, there will be  either a written or online (TTRs/MyMaths) task set. These will link to End of Key Stage Expectations for arithmetic or reasoning. (20 minutes)

Weekly, we will set a grammar and punctuation activity to consolidate our work in class. (20 minutes)

In school, we have a weekly focus on learning and practising  a spelling rule. A list of spellings to learn that follow the week's rule will be provided. (20 minutes)

Home learning will be set on a Thursday and will be due in the following Tuesday. Home learning will begin on Thursday 12th September. 
Anyone unable to access the internet at home can do so during a Friday or Monday lunchtime in school.

Class teachers will let their class know the day of the week spelling tests will take place. 

We subscribe to:
Accelerated Reader
My Maths
Times Table Rock Stars

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