Friday 31 March 2023

Year Five: March 2023

Live Poetry Lesson

5AC completed a live poetry lesson themed around masks and imagery with Pie Corbett, John Sutton and Deputy Mitchell.  The live lesson included: games, contributing in real time and getting feedback, learning poetry vocabulary, description, ‘the basics’, imagery. This was all demonstrated in the work they produced during the lesson.  Ten children were mentioned by name for good ideas/sentences/phrasing.  There was lots of enthusiasm, the children loved seeing their ideas published for others to see. The class were very excited about continuing the work independently which might include making some masks linked to their work over the Easter holidays!


Year Five have been learning about basic first aid in PSHCE and spent some time practising the recovery position!


Year Five have been practising our sewing skills in preparation for our final piece of textiles work. It was a lot of fun and took lots of concentration.

Science Day

Year Five had a wonderful day investigating who ‘stole’ the Pokemon card learning forensic science skills. We were sad to learn that it was in fact Mr Hamilton who committed the crime… oh dear Mr Hamilton. Below is an example chromatography, which we used to help us decide the method we should use to figure out who's pen was used to write the mystery message.

The Year Five staff and children worked hard all day as Scene of Crime Officers to find the culprit.

As part of our Science module, we have been learning about properties of materials. Here you can see us learning about separating materials. The classes had lots of fun.


Fabulous skills have been developed in computing this term such as: sorting, filtering, querying (including multi-criteria questions) and graphing data.  There have been interesting discussions regarding data sets (esp. Titanic passenger list).


As part of our maths work this term, we have been learning all about fractions: finding fractions of amounts, adding and subtracting fractions and more! The children have worked so hard learning a skill which is really quite tricky. Below, you can see the classes matching equivalent fractions. Well done, Year Five!


Sign Language Week

On Wednesday, some of our pupils took part in a BSL lesson delivered by a BSL teacher online. Sign Language Week is celebrated every year in March to commemorate the first time BSL was acknowledged as a language in its own right by the UK Government on 18 March 2003. It was not until 28 April 2022, that BSL was finally recognised in law as an indigenous language of Great Britain in the BSL Act (2022). The aim of this year’s week was to celebrate and educate people about BSL, to encourage more people to start learning the language, and to protect and preserve BSL for future generations. 

Amelia L wrote the following:

As the cogs began to turn once again, a flicker of light sparked within. Watching,  waiting, anticipating its first move, the rise of the machine was imminent… 

Nobody knew what it would do; for a moment a suspense filled the room. Then, the noise stopped. Up the machine rose with its red eyes staring at the people. 

In a deep voice it barked, “Where am I ?” 

Nobody dared to make a sound. 

“I said where am I?!” 

The machine screamed much louder though and punched the glass surrounding it. 

A very quivery voice said, “A lab.” 

“And how did I get here? He shouted. 

“We created you.” said the now shaking voice. 

“What do you mean created me?” the machine muttered. 

“You are an experiment.” 

“No this can’t be, I was made to take over the world!” 

…and with that he crashed through the door leaving the scientists open mouthed.

Very engaging, Amelia, well done!

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