Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Limerick Competition

Last week, we asked for Limericks to be written as part of the children's home learning. Here are some of the best:

There once was a young boy called Tim,
Who went to the St. Neots gym,
He worked and worked,
Until his muscles hurt,
And his legs were more fatter than thin.
Niamh L

Once there were two girls called Lucy and Sophia,
Who came up with a brilliant idea,
They thought it would be fun,
To go for a run,
And they haven't been seen for a year!
Emmeline T

There once was a missing Jaffa Cake,
And finding it gave everyone back-ache,
My brother spied it,
When I was trying to find it,
And everyone thought it a big mistake.
Lucy J

There once was a teacher called Murphy,
Whose dance moves were pure choreography,
He jumped and he jived,
But got shook up inside,
And from then on only taught geography.
Emma S

This is just a small selection of the excellent poems that were written. Well done to all who wrote one.